I really believe that woman are beautiful no matter what. If you want to rock an amazing weave and it makes you feel good - then do it. If you want to be natural because that's what makes you feel good - then more power to you! Women come in all sizes, shapes and forms. Loc's, braids, curls, straight hair and extension's... 

But, I really want to be a source of encouragement for those of us that have chosen a more natural route. So I want to list a few of the perks of being natural and or having Loc's / Dreads: 
  • No more expensive, time consuming, bi-weekly hair appointments.
  • No more painful chemical burns, flat iron burns or damaging chemicals on my hair.
  • No more freaking out when it rains, when I sweat or every time the wind blows.
  • No more obsessing about how straight my hair is and hating it when my edges are not perfectly straight.
  • No more trying to fit into the ideal image of beauty.
  • No more bad weaves... lol 
  • And no more comparing my hair to the next person.
It's very free'ing to not have to do any of this stuff, or worry about any of these things any more. It was a daily battle that I no longer have. I feel more liberated than I have ever felt in a long time. 

How about you?!?  If you have natural hair, what are some of the perks that you have because of it?