I found this great site called Tightly Curly Hair by a woman named Teri. Why would I be looking at a website for woman with curly hair?... you ask. Well it's simple, I have two daughters that are mulit-cultural, and they have big curly hair. We have tons of products at home, but still have not found that perfect combination of shampoo and conditioner for them.

So often, instead of them having these big beautiful curls, they walk around with curly puff balls for hair (here is a picture if my little ones with their hair down).

It's cute, but I know it can be better. I am still learning. So for me, websites like Teri's are godsends. I look forward to learning more about what products to look for what will work best for my girls. Something that will keep the curls formed and keep their hair moisturized.

I am so looking forward to checking out a website called Mixed Chicks: http://www.mixedchicks.net , a website by Wendi Levy and Kim Etheredge.

Feel free to offer suggestions or share you experience with curly hair.