Find creative ways to express yourself. A lot of times, depending on your life style - you may not have an outlet to talk or show how you feel about your style, culture... or just who you are. There are tons of ways to show what your feeling. Write a poem. Draw some art. Doodle. Paint. Write out a word collage (like the one above) with all the things you love or are proud off. Seek out like minded groups. Research and find out about classed in your area that talk and teach about what you love. For me - I love to sketch. But I want to take it to the next level. So for me, I plan to start taking an art class or two. Something to nurture that part of me. What ever it is that you like to do, or that gives you joy... make time to do it, talk about it or express it through art, performance, or other venues. It's what makes you... you. And what ever it is, deserves to be celebrated.

Love it Camille!

The Fly Girl blog did a feature on Ayaan and Idyl - twins from Somali. What caught my eye was that not only are they beautiful, but that their Spring line is full of vibrant colors.

To see more of their designs, go to their site Mataano.

Czelena is my Naturally Beautiful Spotlight of the week. She is a lovely Singer from the Bay Area. To read more about her, go to Czelena.

Andra, from Seattle, Washington is a multi-talented Artist. She draws, paints, Crochets and more.

"Drawing. Painting. Creating. Meditation. Reiki. Massage. Reading. Connecting to my inner being. My vibrational being. Being Still. Anything positive." - Andra

Check her out on SolfortheSoul or at Gemini Sunshine.

A new cute item from Bohemian Soul.

Picture blog Le Coil, features some of the greatest photo's of beautiful African American women. The owner of this blog definitely has a great eye for a Fab photo.

This weekend, while visiting a local park, my family and I were on a nice little stroll around a pond at Montclair Park. As we were walking my mom noticed something, and pulled me aside. On a fountain, someone wrote "Whites only - No Negro".

I was shocked! I felt like I was transported back in time to the 1960's, where "Whites Only" signs were every where. Could this be real. Could there really be an idiot out there, writing racial slurs, just filled with hate and completely uneducated. Like someone from back in the old days, when Martin Luther King had to March for our rights. Just a damn shame... After all this time, you think people would have better sense.

But, I have to say one thing - Montclair is a nice city. This one ignorant person, that wrote this, does not represent the city of Montclair. But damn, I guess every village has an idiot.
*Update! The park that I visited is located in Northern California. Montclair is a small town located within Oakland, California.

Good morning! I am barely awake. But I wanted to put together this quick post before starting my day. One of the only unfortunate parts of having loc's/dreads, is that once in a while, we get lint stuck in our hair. This happens because we don't brush our hair daily (as far as I know this is the main reason. Feel free to let me know if there are any other reasons why this happens). Having lint in my loc's is very embarrassing. It has nothing to do with how clean your hair is. You can wash it every day, but the lint will find its way in there some how, from sweaters, towels, blankets... you name it. It's not often, but it happens. For me, its my biggest pet peeve, when it comes to my hair, because I am such a neat freak. I don't ever want to give the impression that I am not a clean person, because I am!

Most of you will already know this quick fix. If you are unable to get the link out, by using your fingers, or tweezers - please do not kill your loc's by breaking them apart, to get the lint out. If you are breaking open your loc's for this, you are weakening the loc and it will eventually fall off. If you are not able to get the lint out, simply use a sharpie marker to mask the color of the lint. All you have to do is quickly dab the small area where the lint is, and the marker ink will cover the color of the lint. And it will no longer be visible. I know leaving the lint in sounds gross, but if you can not get it out - its better to cover it with sharpie, than to kill your locs in the process.

I use the brown marker. It works best for me because I have about three shades in my hair - black, brown and brownish red. So not matter where, the brown will do the trick for me. I don't have to use it often, but I try to carry this with me in case of any emergencies. To cut down on lint, always cover you hair when you sleep at night or when you are cleaning. And also try this brushing technique before washing your hair. It helps to get lint out of your loc's. If any one else knows of any great fix it tips, let us know by replying to this post...
or emailing me at

What a beautiful loc style by Emon Fowler.
As shown in the photo, here is the stylist contact info -

EMON FOWLER, Natural Hairstylist and Consultant: (708) 441-1696

Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers out there. I spent the day with my family, celebrating my husband who is an amazing father, and we had a great time. I just want to say thank you to all the men out there that are really involved in their child's life. I hope that you were able to celebrate the day knowing how much you are loved and appreciated.


One of many beautiful pictures that inspired me to loc my hair.
All-Natural from Chicago, Illinois

I love these earrings. And great news - your ears don't have to have pierced ears to wear them. The following picture and quote comes from HighSnobette:

"..There is no piercing needed in this lovely piece introducing the jewellery collaboration by Lovemade and Hancholo. A snake shape earpiece, originally crafted to be worn behind the ear. The piece creates a new category of jewelry, an innovative departure from a standard earring. Resting on the fold of the adorner’s ear, the cuff drapes multiple staggered length chains that cascades along the neckline. The chain tips are adorned with an arrangement of heart inspired designs and Lovemade and Han Cholo’s signature charms. I want! This original earpiece will initially be available in a variety of colors including rose gold, gunmetal black and classic gold and silver colors.

Photography: Brooke Nipar ( Hair/Make-up: Kym Nguyen ( Model: Zina Star ( Design by: Linda Lovemade & Han Cholo ( ("

Ok, so I had no idea I was going to need so many pictures, to show the steps of how I fix my broken loc's. A lot of you will probably already know this tip, but I thought I would share it any way. I would also like people to remark on the fact that my hair "fix it" includes adding hair, which is often a no no, if you are natural... But, I really wanted to find a way to fix fallen, broken or weak loc's without combining loc's. And this works for me. But I am open to hearing your opinion on this process. I also apologize in advance, because this post is so long! If you read my previous post: Poor babies, you already know that I had four loc's that broke off and why.

If you want to try this process, you will need Human Kinky Hair (in a color that matches your locs), a thick thread (also in a color that matches your locs), and a needle.

Follow these steps (see pictures for each step):
1.Needle is inserted into the head of the broken loc.

2.After pulling the thread all the way through, re-insert the needle into the same area, so that the needle comes out of the head of the broken loc (please see picture).

3. Insert needle into the loc, that the broken loc came from.

4. Pull thread so that the loc and broken loc meet together.

5. Take a small amount of the Human kinky hair.

6. Wrap the hair around the section of the loc where it was sewn together.

7. Use the loc as a third piece, as you braid the kinky hair in, to cover the sewn together section. Once you have finished braiding the hair in, it should completely cover the whole section that was sewn together. If there is a little bit of hair human hair left after braiding it in, just wrap the excess hair around the loc.

8. After this is done, your loc should be fully connected. But I would recommend waiting to do this process when you are not planning to wash your hair or do a major style. You want this newly fixed loc to be able to reconnect, and it needs a few days to re-adjust to its new home. Also, after finishing the repair, your loc may have a bumpy appearance. This is easy to fix.

9. Simply use the palm roll method to smooth out the loc. And you are done!

So this is how I fix my locs. With this method, I can avoid combining locs and still save each individual loc maintained, to keep fullness. Let me know what you think of this process. Would you try it? Is it worth it to you, to add hair, in order to avoid combining loc's? And thank you for reading this post. I know.. it is way to long :-).

Empress Winnielle, from ST Thomas, VI - is my Naturally Beautiful Spotlight of the week. She is a gorgeous woman with lovely loc's. Besides being a model she also has her own modeling agency.

To read more about her go to: Winnielle.

Thank you Sergio, from Runway Wonderland for sharing this.
It is a spoken word piece from Ms. Alica Keys
called "Prisoner of Words."

My packaged arrived, this weekend, from the All That Glitters Ain't Gold Boutique. And I love it. The company is owned by Khalidah Johnson, and all the jewelry is handmade. My favorite piece is the necklace (the earrings are cute too!).

The jewelry also came in these cute boxes, with the companies labels. It was packaged very well, and I love the extra touch with the ribbons.


Styling: Roller Set

Thank you In Her Shoes! Last May, I and a few other ladies, won the Cantu Contest. The prize was a package of hair and body products worth $100. I just received the items today, and I am looking forward to trying the products out. I will give some reviews to let you know how it goes and if my locs "like it" or "love it" . About 5 of the items are creamy based (which people with loc's should try to avoid), so I will give those to my daughters. So it works out perfect.

Thank you again Renae, for hosting such a great Mothers Day contest on your blog!


June 16th Update: My daughters washed their hair last night with the creamy based Cantu products and loved it!! They both have big curly hair, and finding hair care products that work with their hair texture is often hard. So its a good match for them. Cool!