Giving thanks!

This is Part 2 of Naturally Beautiful Hair blog's first Giveaway contest. The first giveaway was for a men's gift. This giveaway will be for a woman's gift . Both giveaways are to show appreciation to my blog followers.
Giveaway Part 2: The prize is for a womans green pendant necklace. Very beautiful! Brand new, and only worn once for this photo -

To win this prize, please answer the following question - The economy has been pretty hard on everyone. Businesses are closing down, people are getting laid off, and a lot of folks are really pinching their pennies. What are some of the creative things you have done to maintain your natural beauty while on a budget. For me - I have not gone to the hair salon since last year. I do my own hair, make my own accessories and I try to find my favorite products on sale! Let us know how you have been able to still maintain your gorgeousness, but also maintain your low budget. This is not limited to hair ideas. Any thing having to do with natural beauty - health, loving yourself and or your fashion. The most creative and helpful tips will win this necklace as a prize. This contest will end on June 20th at 9 pm. The winners response will be featured in a future winners post. Have fun and good luck!