Thank you Als for submitting your poetry and for this peaceful photo. Look below her photo, to read her poem - Stripped down like Nature

Stripped down like nature
To the naked depths
And makeup-less core
Imperfections revealed
Scars of Life
Birth and Death

My roots have been planted
Deep within every crevice
Of the Earth’s floor
My Life has become
Part of Life’s Lore
I’ve been
Stripped down like nature

My Self-consciousness
Only to realise
My doubts make me human
Rough edges and random quirks
Transforms to uniqueness
Stripped down like nature
Silence is revealing

I am me
Only one
Stripped down like nature
Changing like the seasons
By the many actions and externalities
Transformed but not lost
Aged yet still youthful
Moulded to the will of the transparent

Fate I believe
Altered and shaken
Renewed never crushed
Stripped down like nature
My Identity
Where I’ve come from
Where I’m going
Strengthened by will not might

Stripped down like nature
By the wisdom of living
Contained by the traditions
Of unknown mysteries and
Acknowledged belief
Cloaked by a thousand prayers
And endless whisperings

My nakedness touching
Pressing on bare earth
My arms
Stroked by subtle trees
And the delicate branches
Of conviction
My essence is caressed by the
Eternal wind of Faith
Stripped down like nature
I am me and me is One

14th April, 2009

- from Als Simmons
Her blog: Theories of Anything