"Saying no to negativity also means not being around negative people. Negative people deplete UR energy." - Deepak

Amen to that!

Painfully cute shoes from Loubou's. I feel a little bit of a dominatrix vibe from this design. I'm just saying... :-P. But if I had an event to go to, and they weren't so expensive, I would rock 'um.

- Source: Maneandchic

Check out Loc'd singer artist Carmen Liana. Lovely voice. Click below for songs, videos, pictures and more:


I never thought I would see the day when I would be inspired to wear some "Hammer Time" type pants. But this outfit, worn by Kim Kardashian, is cute! What do you think?

Take it or leave?

Photo Source: Bossip

Franchesca, aka - Chescaleigh on Youtube, has posted a new hair how-to styling video. I like that she gave two variations, and the styles are quick, easy and cute. Check them out:

Very cool pictures from model and actress, Nerissa Irving. To see and read more about her, go to her myspace page.

I received an email from Joy, with the following question:
"I have become a huge fan of your blog and website, but I noticed that for those of us with short, natural hair, there is not a lot of info given or styles demonstrated. I love reading your tips on how to care for natural hair and the encouragement you give women and men to be natural; could you possibly add some advice for those of us who are just beginning our journey?"

YES!!! I am so sorry that I have not been giving a lot of attention to so many woman out there that are just starting out with short styles. Or woman that just love having their hair short. I would be very happy to start sharing more photos, tips and information for woman with shorter hair styles, and woman that are transitioning. Thank you for bringing this to my attention Joy. Your opinion counts!

The word BEAUTIFUL in various Languages:
  • Cilubà (language spoken in the heart of Africa ): Citèèlu
  • Spanish: Hermoso
  • Swahili: Hidaya
  • French: Belle or Beau
  • German: Schön
  • Italian: Bello
  • Portuguese (Brasil & Portugal): Bonito
  • Native American (Cheyenne): Emo'onahe
  • Japanese: Utsukushii
Do you know how to say beautiful in another language? Let our readers know what the language is and how it is written.

Check out my sale items on Naturally Beautiful Hair website:



Congratulations to the winners of the last giveaway, for 2 pairs of cute earrings. I am such a softy... I was so impressed by the entries, that I made everyone a winner. If you submitted an entry, please check out the Lola and Invu earrings giveaway post for further instructions!

Wahidah Fowler is a Model, TV Personality and a Community Activist. I had the opportunity to interview her (my favorite model) for my natural hair encouragement website Naturally Beautiful Hair. Here are a few quotes from Wahidah's interview:
"My mother taught me the reason why I should be proud of wearing my hair natural. She made me feel like it was such a beautiful and strong statement I was making."
"I give a different perspective of an image that’s not seen that often in the media. So those few jobs I do get, I am noticed. If a certain director does not want to work with me due to my natural hair, I can’t allow that to stop me from progressing in this industry. "
To read Wahidah's interview in full, go to Naturally Beautiful Hair websites Interviews.

This weeks Natural Beauty is Sacita, who is a Hospital Manager, Model & Dancer.
Source: ManeandChic

Have a good weekend.


This weeks Natural Beauty Spotlight is Jamaican singer Kamila McDonald, otherwise known as Meela. Meela was featured on ilovemylocs, and I was impressed by her cool style and loc's.

I am completly shocked this morning. While checking out some of my fellow blogs, I noticed a new story on Solange Knowles. It seems that she has momentarily gone natural.... I would have never expected that from her (not that I know her personally). Any how, looks kinda cool. I wonder how long she will sport this new look?

Le Coil introduced me to an amazing artist. Salena has some amazing digital paintings. This is the kind of style I wish I could afford to buy and hang in my house.

Digital Paiting from Salena:

I got a very interesting question from an Internet friend, about a new girl that he is dating. He loves natural woman, but the woman that he just started dating does not have natural hair. So his question to me is, how does he let her know that she would be absolutely gorgeous with her own natural hair??

Here is my advice to him:

I think approaching the subject of asking a woman, that you are just getting to know, to be more natural is very touchy. If she brings up the subject, then your in!! But if its not something that she talks about, it may be hard to bring it up without offending her.

If you are just starting to date, I would say wait awhile, until you have established that you really love the way she looks and carries herself. Once you are both kind of over the initial newness of the relationship (give or take 2 or 3 months), I think it may be ok to ask her if she would ever consider wearing her hair naturally.

But!! And this is a big but! You have to be ready for her to possibly reject the idea. She may like her own style or way of presenting herself to the world. And if she says she is not into it, you may have to just respect that.
In my own situation - I entered my relationship with my husband with permed hair. I already had a huge desire to go natural. So when he brought it up and encouraged me to loc / dread my hair, I was all for it. So it really just depends on her mindset.

Hope this helps!


This video got me moving this morning. I can't dance... lol. But I still had fun trying. I love B's videos and music. This latest song is from her Sasha Fierce album.


I just got through listening to Baby Bash Ft. Frankie J - Suga How U Get So Fly, and the song has inspired this Giveaway.

Win two pairs of cute earrings. One pair is by Lola and the other pair is by Invu. Both brand new and never worn. To win this prize, tell us why you are So Fly? What is it about your personality or style that makes you an amazing and confident person . Confidence is everything. Loving yourself is the first step in being beautiful. The person with the most inspiring answer wins the prize. The contest ends on Friday, July 24th at 9 pm. Check back on Saturday the 22nd, to see who won. Good luck to all!

Nudread has a styling tool that will give you twist, coils and or baby loc's in 2 to 20 minutes! I have not tried this myself, but from the look of the video's on Youtube, it looks pretty awesome!!

Has anyone else heard of this before? If you have, let us know what your review is? And if you are checking this out for the first time, tell me what you think about it...

Good morning everyone,

The Garnier company just responded to my email complaint regarding one of their recent culturally insensitive commercials.

**(Please note that the pictures are for imagery purposes only. They are not directly from the Garnier commercial).

I appreciate their quick response, but I just hope that they will actually take this serious and not just brush it off. Here is there response:

July 17, 2009
Dear Mrs. ........,
Thank you for letting us know how you feel about the commercial for our styling product. We truly apologize if it offended you and your family in any way.

The opinions of our consumers are important to us when making decisions about our products, services and advertising. We value you as a customer and will forward your comments to the appropriate individual in our company.

Consumer Affairs Coordinator
Ref # 5170802

I found this picture online and thought I would share it. Very nicely done.
(Model unknown)

The Garnier company has put out a new commercial. I actually like their products and have bought from them before, for my daughters hair. But they have a new commercial that has me a little peeved. I just emailed them my concerns, and I hope that they will respond. See below to read the email I sent to Garnier, and to see why I was so annoyed by their new commercial:

**(Please note that the pictures are for imagery purposes only. They are not directly from the Garnier commercial).

Email Sent:


My family is a fan of your products. My daughters enjoy how your products make their hair feel. Although we use a combination of other products, we do sometimes buy the Fructis line when we can. That being said, I was very surprised by a new commercial that I saw today - on 7/15/2009, for a product that stops hair from frizzing up from moisture. The commercial begins with a Caucasian model with long straight hair. A drop of water falls on her head and then her hair turns into a large Afro. The model then screams, as a man comes over to trim her hair with hedge clippers, and the commercial then says that the product can "fix" her hair so that it is long, shiny and straight again. Although I do understand the purpose of the product, I think it was poorly illustrated in this commercial. African American woman wear Afros all the time. It is a beautiful hairstyle that does not need to be fixed. Because of this, your commercial comes off as offensive to those of us who have naturally kinky hair, and have no desire to change that part of ourselves. To see a commercial, telling the world, that your product can fix what looked to be like a beautiful Afro... just seemed wrong. I am sure that it is a great product, but I think it should have been showcased in a way that does not offend other cultures. I hope that in efforts to make commercials that appeal to everyone, that your marketing department, in the future, will stop and think about these things, before putting together new commercials.

Karen .........


So that was my email to them. I will give you all a heads up if I actually receive a response. Again, I do like this company for the most part. I am just very disappointed in the way they recently chose to market a new product. I hope that they will not a lose a customer (me). And a response from them, may stop that from happening....

Every Summer, my daughters will find 1 or 2 caterpillars, and care for them until they hatch into beautiful butterflies. This butterfly (in the picture above) was taken care of by my youngest daughter. It is a beautiful process to watch, to see them go from caterpillar, to cocoon, to a beautiful butterfly. Once the butterfly emerges from its cocoon, it takes about 6 to 7 hours or longer for its wings to fully dry. And then the butterfly will eventually try to fly until it is successful. It's a great experience to see the growth and then to be able to released it to the world. If you ever decide to give this a try, one of the plants they eat is fennel. If you look closely at a local fennel plant, you will probably see little caterpillars. When you pick up the caterpillar, grab lots of fennel. They love it and will eat a lot of it creating and entering their cocoon. To learn more, check out this butterfly cycle of life photo below, or go to this google search.

Thank you Melodie for sharing this painting on your Myspace page (artist unknown). It's beautiful.

I See It All

I see it in your eyes
You can't hide what they speak
I see it in your smile
Happiness at every sight of me
I see it in your walk
A slow smooth seductive stride
I see it in your emotions
Sometimes you try to control or hide
I see it in your prescence
Unflinching beautiful with soul
I see it in your passion
Staying strong in a world so cold
I see it in your life
Dealing with joy, oppression, and pain
I see you as an undeniable Queen
Who in this world keep me sane

By: Dwayne P. Carter
Unique Existence


Art work by Autum Whitehurst. Thank you Franchesca for sharing this beautiful artwork on your blog.


I love to read! But I have not done it in a while, because my book list is limited. One of my favorite Authors is Eric Jerome Dickey. He is a fabulous writer. I have never been disappointed by his work. But other than him, there are not many Authors that I am aware off. I need to expand my knowledge. Please let us know who your favorite Author is and why? Hopefully I will have a new list of books to look forward to reading. Thank you in advance if you have any suggestions.

Christine - a.k.a Dragographist on Myspace, has some amazing artwork that he features on page. Here a few of his watercolor pieces and one of his drawings.


Ryan Gentles from Brooklyn, New York. Yummy... :-p.
His page on Myspace.