Natty contacted me a while back, and I was very impressed by her blog. She is a designer who crochets and creates various crafts. I asked her a few questions, and here's what she had to say:

1. How did you learn to crochet? Today its very easy to learn crochet/tricot, the world of Internet brought us that blessing. I first learned the basics from my family (grandmother and mother) but the Internet is where I most learned and where I learned to expand my creations into "modern" creations. I read blogs, participate in google groups and watch youtube videos. There is teaching in every language, from the Latin and German languages, to the Arabic and Russian. For English speakers here is a start and I cannot forget to mention my first online teacher Elaine Crochê (Portuguese).

2. How do you decide what you are going to make? Well it is hard I confess... I have a list of things I want to make and I try to start on the things I need for me at that moment. Now that its summer, I tend to make more bikinis and tops in terms of clothing.

3. Do you sell your items? Or make custom orders? I sell my items, but they are custom made because I don't enjoy that factory feel of making the same product over and over again. And this is an advantage for the people who buy from me because I do it especially for them. I don't use patterns as a sure thing, I try to adapt the design with and to the client and try to make every piece special.

4. What part of the world do you live in? I live in Portugal, which is a country in the southwest Europe. We form a peninsula with Spain - Iberia Peninsula. So to North and East we have Spain, on the South the Atlantic (and Morocco’s) and to West is the Atlantic again. We also have two sets of islands - Açores and Madeira.

5. How has your culture or environment influence your creativity? I guess I am a mix of many cultures that my country has. Portugal has been under the power of the Arabs, Romans, Celts, Spain and others - all those cultures left their legacy here. We cannot forget the role that Portugal had during the "Conquer of the Seas" during the XV century and of course our African/Asian colonies. In my works I try to show myself as the citizen of the world that I am and not just Portuguese, even tough I love and embrace my nest. My biggest influences comes from Africa, I have a heart connection to Mother Africa ever since I was born (my mother says so). My family is a big influence as well. Both my great grandmas made loom work, crochet and other crafts. One of my grandma’s hand-made jewelry and the other is a seamstress, who crochets and does beautiful traditional Portuguese rugs - Tapetes de Arraiolos. I guess it's genetic as well!

To read more about Natty, check out her blog at Natty Crafts. The blog is in the Portuguese language. For assistance with translation, go here. She has also been featured on the Naturally Beautiful Hair Website: Reader Appreciation & Style page.

Color, color, color! I love vibrant colors and earth tones. I wish that I could start all over and jazz up my closet with amazing fabrics, that have rich colors and ethnic patterns. Maybe one day I will get that chance. One can only dream.

Ambrosia created two videos, that showed a cute style that you can do if you are transitioning from from permed hair to natural hair. Naturally Leslie featured Ambrosia's video on her blog, back in July '09.

Are you in the need for a big change? Is your current hair-do a hair-don't? Check out the Naturally Beautiful Hair website photo gallery, to get a few idea's on how to switch up your style. If you decide to try out a new style, send in a photo to share with the Naturally Beautiful Hair blog readers. And show everyone how hot you are with your new do.

I love this drawing. The shading is amazing!
(artist unknown)


Dress wore by Joy Byrant.
Photo source - YBF

Inspirational photo from Shelene - aka Reggaebassline

The Naturally Beautiful Hair blog has 150 subscribers... Woo Hoo!! Thank you to everyone that take the time out of their day to check in on this blog. For sharing your thoughts, opinions and ideas. For continuing to help with inspiring others to be proud of who their are. And for also helping to create a community of women and men that share a common love and goal in life, to acknowledge and understand the true meaning of beauty. It comes in all sizes, shapes and forms.

Maneandchick featured this young lady on their blog a few weeks ago. I love her style in this picture. Here is more about her from the Maneandchick blog:
Meet Maritza Rodridguez a full time student and model who has been natural her whole life. Here's what Martitza had to say about her hair care regimen: "I wash my hair once a week. My hair is easier to mange and it looks much nicer. I also wet it daily and put in a leave-in conditioner". Maritza's favorite... continue here.

Magalie is a great artist. She creates paintings, fabric art, portraits, cell phone covers, painted totes and more. To check out her art work, go to Noire Collections.

Angela Simmons was wearing some very cute half boots recently at her "Pastry “Turnover” Shoe launch event at Sportie" in LA. - Source: YBF

I received an email from Biany, about a regulation that US Air Force has, regarding dress code, that clearly discriminates against women wearing their hair in a dreadlocks / loc'd style, or in a short afro style. Oddly enough, I am not surprised. But non the less - this is unacceptable! Please read Biany's email below and find out how you can help stop this type of discrimination from continuing.

Greetings Sister Karen:

I am one of your biggest fans. I have been following your website and blog for months. Thank you for this great avenue for women of color to share their thoughts and celebrate their natural hair. I was hoping that you can share this link below to friends of your blog/website One of my close friends who is in the US Air Force is being forced to chop her locks and relax her hair. We are asking everyone we know to sign this petition and also send a letter to your state representatives. Here is a brief synopsis of the matter at hand. Please share with everyone you know. Thank you in advance for your support!

It has come to my attention that the United States Air Force has a regulation, AFI36-2903 DRESS AND PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF AIR FORCE PERSONNEL, which in part, discriminates against African-American women serving in the Air Force. The code was recently updated to include a bans on a common natural African-American hairstyle, which the Air Force has called "dreadlocks". Female personnel with neat, clean, professional well-kept hair are being forced to choose between cutting their hair and treating it with chemicals to conform with this regulation which I feel unfairly and unnecessarily discriminates against African-Americans. The regulation itself does not define "dreadlocks". This leaves women with hair that is in no means a distraction or a detriment to their duties, subject to disciplinary action.

Copy and Paste the link below:

Peace & Blessings,


My daughters and I are always trying to find new ways to be creative. We draw, make jewelry, create lots of different crafts, play games, and are always looking for cool things to do on the computer. Stardoll is a site that's been around for quite a while. When we use to go on, the main thing you would do is dress your favorite celeb, or create a character.

But my oldest daughter recently showed me that the site has added a lot of new features. Now you can design and buy your own products (I want all of -

And for fun, you can design your own clothing, guitar and furniture... right down to the print and fabric design of your choice.

This may be especially fun for any future young inspiring designers.

Maneandchic highlighted a beautiful young woman by the name of Ingrea. She talked bout her Natural state:

On going natural... I've been natural continuously now for 3 years, but I first shaved my head and started from scratch when I was 13 and went through all kinds of hairstyles from there. I got tired of the maintenance of having a relaxer and felt I would have the freedom I wanted and needed by going natural.

On her hair care regimen... I wash my hair 1-2 times a week with conditioner, and...continue

Quick and cute loc style from Franchesca!

Bossip posted some really cute shoes today, with a bit of a tie up style. Also on High Snobette (with a similar style - but more of a sleek zipper look), are shoes featured by Givenchy...

Both look painfully cute!

Camille has some great new jewelry - featuring the lovely and talented, Lauren Hill. To see more, go to:

Kitty Soulflower, who created the I Love My Locs networking blog, has created several Natural Hair Magazines. To see the magazines, check out her store front.

The magazines include images, stories, journeys and more - from various people in the natural hair community. I am very humbled and honored to be a part of this great project. To see my feature, and to also read about other naturally beautiful men and woman, go to The Big Book. Check out my feature on page #132.

Kitty has also been generous by offering a free download of the magazine.

**The image on the cover of this magazine is the author, Kitty Soulflower.

Cute Cornrow styles from Singer, Goapele.

Image source: Natural-belle, and

I was diagnose with Diabetes about 2 years ago. For the first year, I was in total denial. I didn't make any changes to my diet or lifestyle. And I paid for it. I was physically suffering; and I started to have vision problems. By the second year, thanks to my family and research, I started to take my diagnoses seriously. Being Diabetic is very serious. If not careful, a person can have the following problems: lose of vision, heart attack, stroke, and more. Also, because a Diabetic is unable to heal wounds like someone that is healthier. So a small cut/infection can turn into a huge infection that is so bad, that it can cause a limb (hand, leg, arm, foot, toes or fingers) to be amputated. So with all this news, and because I did not want to suffer any more - I started working out regularly and eating healthier.

When the economy started to fail, I was laid off from my corporate job. This was definitely a financial hardship on my family. But being laid off was also a blessing in disguise. I decide to work from home as a Personal & Administrative Assistant for a local business owner. With this job, came the ability to make my own hours. So for the past 4 to 5 months, I have been able to work out for 1 to 2 hours per day, 5 days a week. My work out routine includes cardio, weights and core exercises. With this, I have decrease my food portions and I also cut down on sugar intake. Because of this, I received some amazing news!!! I have been to 2 different doctors in the past two weeks, and both have told me that my Diabetes is no longer an issue!!! It's gone... :-D. I am so so very happy for this second chance. Diabetes is not joke. Even with this great news that I have beat my Diabetes, I am going to continue to live a healthy lifestyle so that I don't' have to fear the return of this illness.

I know that saying "go workout 2 hours a day" may be an impossible and unrealistic suggestion. This job, that has allowed me to have this schedule, is very temporary, so I two, will need to go back to the 9 to 5 type job soon. When that time comes, even with limited free time, I hope to continue to be able to exercise at least and hour to half and hour a day, some kind of way. And I am committed to doing this in the future.

For those of you who may be struggling with your weight, or have a desire to live a healthier lifestyle, check out Spark People. You can track you food, share photo's, blog about your goals and share and receive encouragement from fellow friends on the site. Best of all its free. To see my page, go to HealthyKB.