Thank you UrbanCurlz, for sharing this video of Tyra's "real hair" premier on her new season of her show. See the previous post regarding Miss Tyra Banks. Tyra looks great, and I hope she continues to rock her own hair throughout the season. But the idea that her hair's natural texture was shown, is probably false. It looks chemically altered. But I still appreciate her not always wearing the wigs, while at the same time preaching to others about accepting themselves as their are. It was a contradiction. So perm or no perm, this is a nice change for Tyra.

Afrobella has a few words to say regarding this episode of the Tyra show:
"Where were the women with kinky, coily, natural hair textures? Why not feature a woman with a TWA? Why not expose her hair as it truly is — unaltered texture and all? Maybe, despite the hype, Tyra wasn’t yet ready. And that I can almost respect that.

Going natural shouldn’t be a fad — it takes dedication, commitment, and courage. Maybe this was a baby step for Tyra. I’m gonna hold out hope that someday she’ll do an episode that truly displays a range of hair textures and explores the deep feelings associated with natural hair. If not now, then hey — there’s always the premiere of season six."

I just want wish Tyra luck. I will always be a fan. Wig, perm, natural hair... what ever. No matter whats going on with her hair, she seems to be a genuinely good person. And she is entertaining.

Also, as shown on the blog Divine Life Collection, Tyra is getting ready to start a new online magazine. Click here: to check it out.