Halloween is tomorrow... Woo hoo! For those of you that are going out and celebrating this day, tell us what you plan to dress up as? I will be a Devilish Angel. Have a great weekend everyone.


Good morning everyone. Here is some eye candy to start your day. Pictures are of Lance Gross. The lady model and actress is Eva Marcelle Pigford. - Source theybf & Necole B.

This paining by Natalie Shaw, was created for Jewelry designer Lydia Courteille's website.


This weeks natural beauty spotlight is Jeanille Bonterre, also known as empress jeanille on Myspace.

Here is more info on Jeanille:

"Born and raised in the twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Jeanille Bonterre has been a popular face and voice of Trinidad and Tobago's broadcasting industry for years. Often described as the quintessential "Caribbean Queen," Jeanille began her media career in Trinidad as a teenager hosting the youth TV show, "Nettwork." She later hosted a daily radio program on FM 100 before moving to Los Angeles, California to pursue a degree in communications studies at Santa Monica College. After her stint in Los Angeles she continued her education by enrolling in the distinguished Radio and Television Arts Program at Ryerson University in Canada, where she became the entertainment news writer and host for the campus radio station ‘SPIRIT Live”. That paved the way for her return to Trinidad and Tobago for a position as the entertainment correspondent"... click here to read more.

These shoes by H Williams are Hot!

Not exactly P.E.T.A friendly material, but cute...

- Source Mane & Chic

This weeks featured reader is multi-talented Valaira Sa-Ra Smith. Valaira was born in Bronx, New York City of West Indian decent and currently reside in Atlanta. Georgia. She is a model, actress, entrepreneur, trained dancer, songwriter and a vocalist.


““I have been natural for 2 years now. My husband and my soul-mate-sister were my inspiration for going natural. I have always had thick wavy hair. I was getting relaxers every six months, to relax the waves. My husband and soul-mate-sister would tell me that I did not need a relaxer, so I decided to make the transition in 2007. I did not do the Big Chop, but transitioned by doing braid outs, twist outs and pony puffs. I have also become a product junkie trying to figure out which products works best with my hair type. Right now, I am loving Carol’s Daughter’s Hair Milk for moisture and Lisa’s Hair Elixir for a healthy scalp. I also like Miss Jessies products, but they are a little on the pricey side.

Today I am finally at one with my natural hair and am planning a natural hair meet-up in Atlanta with a sister who was also my inspiration on youtube. I utilized sites such as Naturally Beautiful Hair, Urban Curlz, Mane and Chic and many more for styles, inspiration, tips, and Advice. Today I am still utilizing these sites because I love learning something new everyday and am having fun getting to know my hair!"

My oldest daughter (10 years old) is so cute! She often comes home and tells me about a cool new hair style she has learned about, and wants to try. When she first tells me about some of these style, I am totally confused... lol. But then she takes out her hair-styling-doll and demonstrates how to do the style. That's when I have my "Ahhh Haa!" moment, realizing that the style is something that I can recreate. So she came home a last week and asked me to do a Flip Ponytail Braid, and this is what I did:

Isn't it cute! I love it. A beautiful and age appropriate style. She teaches me something new everyday. Sometimes I just watch her in amazement. She has such a grace about her, like natural elegance.

Ok... lol. I am having a proud Mama moment :-D. Have a good day everyone! ~ Karen

Woodrow Nash is a talented ceramic's sculpture that creates life-like art full of history and wisdom. I have fallen in love with his work, and hope to one day own something as amazing as his work, in my own home.

A quote from Woodrow's website, The Rage Gallery:
"The serial nature of the works -- an inspired composition of torsos, sculptures and timeless objects of contemplation -- recall a primitive minimalist whose relentless repetitiveness produces extraordinary and mysterious structures. Inside these bold bodies dwell the spirits of African kings, queens, warriors and kinsmen."

To see more images and to find out information abput Woodrow's work - visit the following links:

*(Link problem with original collage picture. The old image  has been replaced with one updated photo of Leonetti. )

Leonetti is a newly added friend on Myspace. I was impressed by her photo album, with showed how she rocked every stage of her hair, as she transitioned from a short and fabulous Afro to beautiful loc's. Here is Leonetti's story:

"I have proudly worn natural hair since June of 2005. Always wanting to rock "curly hair", going natural never crossed my mind to achieve this style. After a few weeks of searching "how to care" for kinky hair, I went to the salon and clipper cut what had seemed like every strand of my hair. Ironically, worrying "what I was going to look like" or " what others would think" never crossed my mind. I have had the joy experimenting so many styling options and color while still preserving the integrity of my tresses.

After 3 years of twist outs, fros,twists, blow-outs, etc, i enthusiastically decided to dive into a new journey; locdom. I must admit, the transition from natural loose hair to locs was somewhat difficult for me. Initially, i absolutely hated my "wormy" baby locs. I felt very unattractive and had gotten used to rocking "big hair". With baby locs being so "thin", they just "hung lifelessly". Regardless, I understood Locs are a process, so I hung in there and loved my "noodles" anyway. Now, 15 months into Locdom, i truly am thankful. I could not fathom my tresses any other way. Each natural path that i endure with my hair has rejuvenated me both emotionally and spiritually. Patience, is the grand lesson my tresses reminds me each moment I capture a glimpse in the mirror."

Natural-Belle and Le Coil have posted great inspirational photo's of women, out about in their home towns, look amazing. I love photo's like these, because you don't have to be on a runway or in a magazine to look fabulous.