Solange Knowles is not only embracing her new TWA, but she is definitely rocking the style. Check out these pictures from the 2009 MTV Awards, photos taken at Bryant Park, and her photo shoot for Honey Magazine.

Only in my dreams would I have a reason to wear shoes as hot as these!

But it's nice to dream... :-P.

- Source: highsnobette

I found this cute braided headband by Conair at the local CVS Store (formally Longs Drugs). I thought it was cute, so I bought it at $7 dollars, which is kind of high for a headband. But decided to get it because it looked like it would last for a long time. The only problem is that the little brown elastic band on the bottom, wasn't big enough - that thing was way to tight when I put it on for the first time. So I cut off the little brown band at the bottem of the headband, and tied on my own little slim black hair tie. It fit much better.

Another cool style by Thierry Baptiste

Here's some eye candy for you. The picture above is model Cowin. He is a featured model on B. Breezy's myspace page.

B. Breezy is also a model, as well as a photographer.

This is so off topic. But I am so excited!! I have my very own office for the first time.

For my folks on Facebook, sorry for the repeat of info... lol. Last year, I was working from home. But that project came to an end. So now, I am back to the nine to five. I am really enjoying my new job - and hope that I will stay with this company for a long time. Anyway - absolutely nothing to do with Naturally Beautiful Hair. But I am really happy about having a little space to call my own. I am glowing from the inside out. And hoping that I am not jinxing myself right now. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that I will have a long and successful career with my current company. Have a good weekend everyone!


I really like Akua Auset's earthy, colorful and beautifully put together website. Akua is a healing beauty artist, author & social entrepreneur.

"I'm on a quest daily to be a goddess, inspiring life in everything I touch." A noted celebrity makeup artist, Akua Auset (Ah-koo-wa Ah-set), has groomed and transformed faces for hundreds of TV, film, music videos and magazine projects. Akua, often a celebrity special request has worked on projects with Michael Jordan, Jill Scott, India.arie, Vivica A. Fox, Brad Pitt, Laila Ali, Blair Underwood, Natalie Cole, Pam Grier, Cheryl Tiegs, R. Kelly,Usher, Snoop Dogg, Ludacris, Kid Rock, 50 Cent and Mos Def, specializing in a term she has coined "the healing beauty arts." - Source

Beatiful hand made jewelry by Jedidah.

Today's Natural Beauty Spotlight is Kamanyi. She is in the music industry - as 'Kammi Kazi', she creates and sells her own beats to musicians, with in the music world.

Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. on this day and every day...

Strength to Love, 1963

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

Hello everyone! There was a great response to the Queen Wisdom's Headwraps post back on January 7th. A lot of you love her head wraps, and wanted to know an alternative way to get in contact with this talented lady, outside of Myspace. Well she has replied with the following info:

You can reach her at to place an order. You can view her inventory here. She accepts payments via paypal and is open to receiving money orders if needed.

"Most of the crowns u see on myspace" or on the slide show "are 30 plus the shipping. I do custom orders too...which may or may not cost more depending on the availability and fabric. They are made with natural fibre materials and are all designed to wrap in the styles u see. I also do free online consults when my clients receive their wraps to make sure they have a good grasp of it."

And of course, those of you that do have a myspace page can go directly to her page.

Naturally Beautiful Hair blog has reached more than 250 Subscribers, and tons of new readers everyday. I love being a part of this natural hair community. Thank you for the continued love, comments, information and support.

~ Karen ~

Natural Beautiful Hair
Naturally Beautiful Hair Blog

~ East African Supermodel Gelila Bekele ~

Thoughts from Gelila -
"I am an east African, learning how to wear my body, and trying to be the best ME! Enjoying life, learning simplicity, and at this very moment - I am just a sponge. I have encountered many things, and through time I have learned, human beings are not programmed to endure a predestined life… Life goes on – relationships change, friendships grow, acquaintances flourish … "
To read more about Gelila, check her out on Myspace or click here for my links on google.

Another great hair how-to video from Franchesca. Check out the video below to see how you can get this cut style, using simple and inexpensive pipe cleaners.

Project Night Night

I want to start highlighted charities that are giving back to the community. Project Night Night donates a bag filled with an adorable teddy bear, clothing or blanket and a book, to homeless and or less fortunate children. To donate or read more about them, go to Project Night Night. To find out what shelters they give to, go here.

"Project Night Night donates over 25,000 Night Night Packages each year, free of charge, to homeless children who need our childhood essentials to feel secure, cozy, ready to learn, and significant. Each Night Night Package contains a new security blanket, an age-appropriate children's book, and a stuffed animal -- all nestled inside of a new canvas tote bag. By providing objects of reliable comfort, Project Night Night reduces trauma and advances the emotional and cognitive well-being of the children we serve.

Every child who receives one of our Night Night Packages leaves the shelter owning a book which
encourages reading and family bonding, a security blanket which can be cuddled, and a stuffed animal which can become a cherished friend. We have one objective – to deliver our Night Night Packages to every homeless child in the country who needs one. Project Night Night is a tax exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. We work with over 10,000 volunteers each year, and we are the leading provider of nighttime comforts for homeless children."

Queen Wisdom is a creative designer of head-wraps. She creates looks with various fabrics, colors and themes. I have been wanting to purchase a wrap from her for a long time. Maybe I will try to make it happen in the next month or so, and report back to you to my fabulous buy. More on Queen Wisdome -

"I'm an entrepreneur from Steelz Outta, Canada. Now working in Brooklyn, I make custom crowns and head wraps for all the sisters out there who know the value of a beautiful dome piece!"

**For contact information for Queen Wisdom, outside of Myspace - check out this post update.