Love this picture. Very earthy, and beautifully done.

Photo Source: TPG

Source: client of Candice Smith

Thank you to the Naturally Beautiful Hair website reader who purchased a beautiful handmade copper ring with orange stone, from the website this weekend. It's a great find!

For everyone else, there are still a pair of copper earrings available for sale. Check it out at NBH website Jewelry for sale page. Items are moving quickly, but I hope to add more jewelry to this page over time.

Very simple, but stylish wrap.
Source: FYBB

Shade is an amazing singer. When I heard that she was returning to her singing career, I couldn't wait to hear her new music. Her new album Soldier of Love was released on February 8th, 2010.
Sade's Blog


I sketched this back in my college days. Back when I lived in a dorm room. Lots of cool memories.

~ If you would like to share your art, shoot me an email at, and I will post your art work on my blog ~

**Please do not use or copy my art work without my permission. If you would like to share this story or art on your blog or website, please email me at the above email address. Thanks!

I love cute and unique buttons. Especially since my daughters have been really enjoying sewing and craft projects. I try to keep an eye out for things that are cool and different. On HeySusy, there is a post on these colorful buttons. Check out her post for more information. If you know of cool places to get original and cute buttons or crafts, reply to this post with the info and links. Let's keep the creativity flowing....


Dry skin has always been a big issue for me. I am always struggling to find the right moisturizer for my face and lotion for my body. What do you use? Let us know what products you would recommend and have been heaven sent for you?


I love these headbands! They are perfect for after washing my hair. I can pile my hair on top of my head, and make a loose bun, and take my time palm rolling my hair. With these headbands, I can do this and still feel comfortable with the weight of my hair on the top of my head (which is really heavy when wet). These are really gentle. They do not pull your hair. And they are easy to use.

I recommend them to any one that feels like their hair is really heavy after washing it. Or just any one that wants to get their hair out of their face. I have been trying to find the actual style name of this kind of hair band, so I can search for it online. I usually just get lucky, like I did with these, and find them at a local Ross Store. But I have also seem them occasionally at CVS or Walgreens. But not often. If you see them, buy it! It's a great find. I got all of these for $3 dollars (the price at Ross). Needless to say, at that price, I got two packs... ;-).

Ok... Mrs. quiet Karen (that's me), in every day public life, can be kind of boring when it comes to exciting vibrant clothing. But the truth is - I crave it. Sometimes I wish I had the nerve to wear bright vibrant rich colors all the time. But it doesn't happen. That's why I was kind of excited when I got my new necklace. This helps a little bit. If I can't wear bold clothing, maybe I can spice up my boring outfits with some beautiful accessories. This necklace came from an online catalog company called Newport News. I had a gift card, and could not find much in the way of clothing - so I chose this necklace. I like it! Here is the hair style I wore this day. I needed to get my hair of my face to show off my necklace, and this was quick and easy.

Cute little girls style shown on the blog Texture Playground.

I found these sketches in my files from various artist. I can not find the artist names (to give them their credit). I know! Shame on me. But the sketches are so awesome, that I just had to share them with you any way. I could learn a lot from these artist. Love the expressions, shading and movement.


I love these photos of Sy. She is has a very creative energy, that shows in her hair style, clothing and art.

ஐ RASTA GAL (a.k.a. "Queen Sy") is a Visual Artiste and has been lovingly proclaimed as a "Creative Entity", manifesting works of art in realistic, abstract, illustrative and other genres. A Los Angeles native, Queen Sy is a self-taught artist descending from a somewhat colorful, soulful and creative upbringing (her grandmother was a seamstress, she witnessed her dad and uncle's drawings and her mom is a fashionista & poet). Queen Sy is perhaps best known for her unique, colorful, bold and fashionably innovative style of dress, which flows effortlessly into her style of painting. Vivid, eye-popping color combinations are used in most of her works. Her media of choice are (but not limited to): oil, acrylic and graphite.ஐ - source

Facebook: Queen Fly-Stone
Myspace - Rasta Gal


I love this photo! Beautiful textures, common bond.
- Photo featured in a Facebook natural hair groups photo album.

Here is a photo of today's natural beauty inspiration (name unknown). She is modeling clothing made by Revolutionary Underground.

- Source: Holistic Locs