Hello all! I received an email from a reader by the name of Christy. She is obsessed with picking out the lint in her loc's, with is causing major damage, including thinning of her loc's. Below is picture of two of her loc's, one healthy and one thinned out because of constantly being picked at.

I have a few suggestions from previous post (link fix & repairing broken loc's - which can also be used to fix thin loc's). Leave a comment for Christy if you also have advice on what she can do to repair thinning loc's. What have been your quick or not so quick fixes?

Beautiful photo of Corinne Bailey Ray.

I don't know about you, but when my tennis shoes get to the point where the springy bounce is gone, and their not so pretty any more - I am ready to replace them. Once I buy new shoes, I often just toss my old shoes. That for me is the norm. But recently I read an article in people magazine about a man that decided to start donating his and other peoples used tennis shoes to under privileged children in other countries. What a great idea. Of course, if all things were possible, I am sure we would rather be giving these children new shoes. But for a child that has no shoes at all, something used is just as helpful. So I think that when I go to buy my next pair of new sneakers, I will check out some Project Sole as a source to recycle my old shoe.

From Project Sole:
"We are a shoe charity. We use your donations of athletic tennis shoes to supply durable footwear for others in underprivileged communities throughout the world and use proceeds to make financial contributions in our local community:
  • We offer financial support to charitable causes and organizations
  • We supplement educational expenses for local schools
  • We provide student scholarships"

For other shoe donation sources, check out How to Donate Your Used Running Shoes.

**I just watched this video again... lol. I sure did say "you guys" a lot. Well it is a bad habit of mine. I do know that the majority of the readers for this blog are women. So I do apologize if the phrase 'you guys' was a bit annoying... :-P. I will try to watch out for that the next time I do a video. 
~ Love, Peace & Happiness to everyone ~

Check out my interview on On The Road To Queendom. Thank you Toshia!

What would you like to see on this blog? I would love to hear some feedback from you all. If there is something you would like to learn more about, leave a comment. If there is a subject, hair style, product or any thing else that you want to see - let me know. One of the previous suggestions was more styling videos for people with shorter loc's, coils and afro's. So that is something I am working on. Readers contribution is also a big goal of mines. It actually makes the experience of being a part of the Natural hair community that much greater for me because there is a constant interaction where I am learning from you. So if you have comments, suggestions, questions, stories, art... or more, that you want to sure on this blog - please do not hesitate to email me at naturalhairbeauty@gmail.com. Or you can leave a comment on this post or leave a comment on the NBH Guestbook.

~ Karen

Beautiful photos from Decas, who lives in Bermuda. Below is a picture of him and his wife. What a lovely couple.

For facebook users, there is a cool fan page called Black Men Who Love Black Women. I like this page because there are a lot of women with different textures and styles, that come together to celebrate their own unique beauty.

"There is somethingintriguing about the black woman who loves the way she was born. So much so that she goes against the grain and chooses NOT to put a burning-hot relaxer on her scalp to straighten her hair in order to fit inside the "mainstream". This group is for all guys who recognize the black woman's natural beauty. And if you are a woman with natural hair, please join ad represent yourself."

Artwork by Zatarra

Ok.... so I am so happy. It's funny how sometimes the smallest things can make you smile. I have been wearing the same broke down glasses for like 2 years now. Much longer than that! But the last 2 years have been the worst because my glasses were basically falling apart. I was working from home for a year or two, so my insurance was basically non-existent. But things have been better lately. So I finally took the plunge and brought 2 pairs of new glasses. What do you think? This is the first time I have ever gotten square frames, but I kind of like it. I am hoping that I have that sexy librarian look going on... lol.

Ok ok.... so I am a big nerd. But a cool nerd... right?!? Maybe even a little très nerdy chic?  He he.. one can only hope! Happy Thursday everyone.


Jessica Simpson has a new show called The Price of Beauty. I watched the show last night, and I liked it. Jessica's roll as host is not what where use to when it comes to international travel shows. Let's face it, Jessica is no Lisa Ling. But Jessica is genuine and she keeps it fun. So that counts for something. The show is about Jessica traveling the world to find out what different cultures definition of beauty is. A lot of shows about beauty are all fluff. But this show actually seems to have substance. What about you? What do you think?

**Update: The Price Of Beauty tv show airs on VH1. Check out the schedule here.

Beautiful photo of Femi.

I love this Oval office figurine of the Obama Family by designer Annie Lee. This is definitely on my Christmas wish list.


This thought filled quote comes from Vasanti Mccray.

"A Woman says on my page; If she see's 1 more brother over 30 with his hair braided, she's gonna throw up. I say 2 her; ur unaware of the Beauty of ur Blackness. Women get their hair braided everyday, no problem, but when a man gets his done we're called corny or tacky. People learn ur culture, heritage and history, pay homage 2 ur ancestors. I would like it if she knew something about her own blackness!!!!!!"

Check out these 'breath of fresh air' photos from Sabriya Makini Simon. Sabriya was born in Kingston, Jamaica and raised in Antigua.

To read more about Sabriya, check out this article.

Congrats to the 14 winners of the current giveaway! If you are one of the winners, please follow the following directions so that I can mail out your prize, which are 3 free rings.
  • Send an email to Naturalhairbeauty@gmail.com
  • In the email include your blogger user ID name
  • Please include up to 5 photos of the rings you like or give me the rings # and a brief description of the ring you like
  • Include your mailing address
  • Include your ring size
If I do not have all of the rings that you like in your size, I will include another ring that is similar in style. Thanks everyone for participating!!

Modle: Ajuma
Photo Source

It's a great day today. Naturally Beautiful Hair blog has reached 300 subscribers, and many new visitors daily. I am very grateful for everyone that participates by leaving comments and for everyone that contributes to the blog. To say thank you to everyone, Naturally Beautiful hair is having a giveaway. For the first 10 people that respond to this post, with the phrase: I am Naturally Beautiful because ________ (finish this phrase with your own reason for being naturally beautiful).... wins!

The prize for this giveaway are 3 rings from the selection below:

To see a bigger picture of the items available for this giveaway, click on this link.

Here are the details for this contest: The opportunity to enter this contest will end in 20 days; or at the point that we have reached 10 entries. Which ever comes first. If you are one of the 10 winners, you will need to email me at naturalhairbeauty@gmail.com to give me your mailing address. Please include your blooger ID in your email. In the email, please tell give me 5 options of rings that you like. You can save and attached pictures of the rings you like to the email; or give me the ring number with a brief description (i.e. color and style). Please include your ring size. Out of the five rings you like, I will do my best to find 3 rings available in your your size. If the the rings you like are not available in your size, I will find the next best thing. Good luck! And thank you again!! And I hope that you will continue to read, enjoy and contribute to the Naturally Beautiful Hair Blog!!

Andy Allo is a talented and beautiful singer, actress model and song writer. To read about how Andy embraced her natural hair, check out her interview on ManeandChic. And can be find on the following sites:

Andy Allo.com

I received these lovely images from Kiyomi, owner of The Good Hair Shop. Kiyomi has the following tip for any brides that are preparing for their wedding day:

"A great tip I offer my brides with locs is to have the "prep" work ( hot oil treatment, wash, retwist, hair set on rods, etc.) a day before your wedding, then have your stylist complete the style on the big day."

- Artwork by Karen B.

This is one of my favorite sketches. I did this at home one day. At times, I feel limited because I don't have much experience with color. I am hoping to be able to take some art classes in the future to get some experience with shading, pastels, textures, painting and more. All in all, even without the color - I love this sketch. It's called "Lux" because she looks luxurious...lol. I look at this sketch and think 'You got it going miss thang!'

More to come...

If you would like to share your art on this blog, send me an email at naturalhairbeauty@gmail.com.

**Please do not use or copy my art work without my permission. If you would like to share this story or art on your blog or website, please email me at the above email address. Thanks!

Check out these bright cheerful illustrations from Katie Daisy Lombardo. Her work can also be found on Etsy.
