Piture singer of Yasmine Modestine

 Absolutely Crazy! Never, can I see, how someone can justify giving a 3 year old child a sew-in weave. It is not that serious!!  The mother in the video is getting her daughter ready for a pagent. She states that they usually use clip in hair pieces but she decide to do a weave on her child's head this time. I am sure the little girl would have been even more beautiful if the mom had taking time time to create a style with her daughters own natural hair and texture. Wow....

Wouldn't it be cool to have a drivers license picture that doesn't look like a mug shot?
Make your license Fabulous drivers license, that you wish you always had, here. If you can, share a link of the picture you made by adding a picture link in the comment section of this post. Have a great weekend everyone. ~ Karen

I have always had a fascination with ethnic dolls that have features that reflect what an African or African American Woman, Man, or child would look like.  So when ever I see dolls that have features that  representation the culture, I like to share it.

Dolls by Annette Himstedt
Here are a few doll's from Annette's doll collection.

Dolls by Angela Sutter
Here are a few dolls from Angela's doll collection online yesterday.  Although they are beyond expensive (2k each... ouch!), they are still lovely dolls.

What do you think?!?  

Model: Nkonye
Hair: Khamit Kinks
Makeup: Tanisha Barnes
Photographer: Keston Duke

Hey all! Ok... so I am starting a new phase in my life. I just went through some major changes, and I am a little sad, nervous and happy all at the same time. I am basically back to a point in life where I feel like any thing is possible. Yes - even at the ripe old age of 35, you can still have dreams... lol. One of the things that I have tapped into is my joy for photography. I think if I had it all to do over again, I would have pursued photography as a career. I really love observing people, nature and just my surroundings. I have never taking classes and I have not been trying to be a photographer at all. So here are some shots that I took that are in no way professional, but still beautiful. I hope you like them. All of the shots were taking by me throughout the Bay Area. Any photographers out there - I would love your input. At some point (even as a hobby) I will need to practice taking pictures of people! That will be fun...


If we have an photographer's that read Naturally Beautiful Hair blog and or website, and you want to share you work, email me at naturalhairbeauty@gmail.com.

For all of my fellow Goapele fan's.... Goapele (pronounced Gwa-pa-lay) as updated her website and it's worth checking out. Also if you will be in San Francisco tomorrow evening, the singer will be having a Website Release Party For The Re-Launch Of GOAPELE.COM.  To see more details go to her Event's page. She is an amazing singer from the Bay Area and has been a huge natural hair inspiration for me, throughout my journey. To see more of my stories on Goapele, click here and here. To check out her music, click here.

Another amazing style from Twist and Curves . More photos from their recent hair show -


For everyone that lives in the Bay Area (large part of Northern California), you are officially invited to a Natural Hair gathering happening in San Francisco, California on July 31st at 2pm. It is an event being put together "to meet one and other, share stories, swap product and of course enjoy delish food and drink." The host is Cassidy, creator of naturalselectionblog.com.

2:00pm – 5:00pm
MEET – other naturals from all over Northern California
EAT – from a buffet delicious Moroccan hors d’oeuvres
ENJOY – some of the free samples and goodies, a bottomless mimosa for $10, or another beverage from the full bar
WIN – a prize from one of the giveaways for attendees
SWAP – your old products and take home some new ones
$18 in advance**//$20 at the door
RSVP by emailing naturalselectionblog.com with “RSVP” in the subject line
Pay in advance through PayPal and submitting a personal payment to naturalselectionblog@gmail.com
Kids are MORE than welcome and we love seeing young naturals!"
- for more info, go to  naturalselectionblog.com.


This is a beautiful head wrap, and I am adding it to my wish list of things to get this year. It is called The Asfaw Crown Wrap by Rebel Clothing.  The Asfaw hand crocheted crown wrap is made in acrylic or cotton. Hat modeled by Tiffany Denise.

Here is some info on the designer:

"Designer and creator of Rebel with a Cause, Jahji Tokunbo has mastered cultivating utilitarian fashion rooted in rebellion. A Bermudian native with roots in Jamaica and Nevis offering her giant lessons in identity and self-expression. A true thinker and builder, Tokunbo's lasting understandings of self and Africaness were heavily formed during her adolescent years spent traveling in the Eastern Caribbean for schooling- both in classrooms and in culture." - Rebel on Facebook

Website: Rebel Clothing Inc
Order Directly or ask questions: info@arebelcause.com

I love this up do by WLCECE on Youtube. They style was inspired by singer Ledisi. See Part 1 and 2 of how this style was created.

Naturally Beautiful Hair has reached 500 Readers today and its very exciting. It has been a true joy to be able to share stories, information, photos and encouragement with our community of beautiful people. I continue to look forward to continouse dialog, advice, questions, support and more! Look out for the next giveaway coming soon to say thank you for your support and contributions.

**I have a few packages going out today for those who won giveaways in the past, or have recently ordered from the website.

Thank you Inez for sharing this image on Facebook!

I posted a story about Six Flags a while back. They have a new policy that they will not hire any one with dreadlocks, because they consider our hair to be "radical" and that it would distract from their image. This is absolutely ridiculous!  I am very sadden by this new policy and upset that I ever spent a dime of my money at Six Flags. Until they change their policy, I will never step foot in their theme parks again. So now it's our turn to make sure that Six Flags knows that this is not OK!

Sign the Petition!!!!! Six flags can not get away with discriminating against individuals with dreadlock's. They can't hire us but they can take our money... not gonna happen. This not only affects the Africam American community, but any beautiful individual that has loc's, dreadlock's or sisterloc's. I have already signed the petition, and this is what I had to say:

"Discrimination comes in all forms. Not hiring someone because they have dreadlock's is hateful and wrong. I have beautiful dreadlocks that are neat and clean. I have worked in a corporate environment where I have supported Directors of major companies. And never once did my hair become a distraction to my ability to a good job. I will not support or go to Six Flags until they have changed their policy."

What can we do to stop this policy?

Just say NO!: Do not support Six Flags by spending your money there.

Sign the petition:  Call to Abolish Six Flags' Discriminatory Grooming Policy
Read and Share:  Six Flags Discriminates and Washington Post Article
Join: Friends For Freedom
Spread the word!: Please share this story with your friends. Post this on twitter. Share it on your blog and or social network. Let's make sure that everyone knows that they are supporting this policy by spending their money at Six Flags!

If we say it is ok to discriminate against people with dreadloc's, what will be next??!?  What if they decide that any hair style that is culturally rich is too radical? Afro's, braids, twist...  What will be next?

Take a look at these great photos of Curtis Bryant's Photo shoot with Sasha and Sable Boykin.  The models where styled by Sergio Wonder and James Field.  To see more about the Stylist's and Photogrpher from this shoot, check out of the following links: 

Omar Mornan

Curtis Bryant

James Field