Wonderful news everyone! We have reached 600 Subscribers (aka - wonderful 'blog followers')!!!  Each time we hit a milestone, I feel so blessed and happy to be a part of this Natural Hair Community. I appreciate you all for sticking with me and contributing every day.  Please continue to join in, share, and help us celebrate the beauty of Natural Hair. 

As always, this blog is for you and about you.  Feel free to contribute by sending in pictures, your stories, experiences, knowledge and or questions. Go to the Contribute page for more information. Also, if you see a great story, book, article or video that should be shared, email me the info at naturalhairbeauty@gmail.com. You will get full credit for any information that is shared on this blog.  Don't forget to check out the website at www.naturalbeautifulhair.com.  Also we have two giveaways right now! So check out the Swag Bag page for more information.

Thank you again!  I learn so much from you all. And it is so great to see that we can empower each other by just connecting.  Peace and Love  ~ Karen @NaturallyBeautifulHair