I love Model in Bottle!!

One of my biggest complaints about wearing make up is that it can be messy.  It gets on your clothes, it gets on other peoples clothes when you give them hugs. And forgot about going to the gym. But the time I am done working out, my makeup has melted, leaving me looking like a hot mess.

I recently tried Model in Bottle, and I love it!!! After you apply your make up, you spray it on your face (I always cover my eyes when applying) and it keeps your make up fresh all day.  To give it a test, I used this spray on a day when it was 80 degrees out side, which is hot for an active day. And then that night I went to the gym and worked out. When I work out, I sweat a lot!  I was amazed that after a long hot day and a hardcore work out, that my make up was still fresh.  

The product is from Misikko, and they have offered to host a giveaway on the Naturally Beautiful Hair Blog.  To win the prize of one Model in a Bottle, please answer the following questions:

1.  After visiting the Misikko site, what did you learn about Model in a Bottle that you found interesting?
2.  Model in a bottle keeps your make up fresh and helps to avoid messy make up disasters. Tell us about one of your make up disasters or nightmare from the past?

For me, my biggest pet peeve is when I give someone a hug and leave my makeup on their shoulder; and looking like a melted hot mess after work outs. 

The winner will be chosen by John, from Misikko, who will also ship the item to whom ever wins. The contest ends on September 30th. Good luck!