Natural Beauty of the Week - Jaye Kennedy, tells us about her natural hair experience: 

Journey: I had relaxed hair just about all of my life up until mysecond year of college. I rocked the wrap, weaves, roller sets, twistees - youname it and I probably had it done. I grew up in a salon that my Uncle ownedand became very close with the stylists there, so I changed hairstyles the way I changed clothes.  Myhair was past my shoulders and layed on my back. But when I went away toschool I noticed it was thinning. The hard water there was so harshon my hair! I'm kind of a renegade, so one day I just started chopping offpieces of my hair until it was shaved in the back and had nolonger than an inch all around.  This took place November2006 and I haven't looked back since.

I had NO FEARS about going back to my natural texture. Ialways figured that if I didn't like it, I could always get a relaxer again. Mytrain of thought was always "It's just hair! It'll grow back!" Ican't say the same about my sorority sisters that watched me chop off chunks ofhair everyday though. They weren't as convinced as I was to say the least.

Products: Three products I absolutely can't live without are: TripleSilk Therapeutic Conditioner -it detangles, opens up my pores and keeps mycurls looking great. Murray’sBees Wax-sometimes my edges need a little help with staying undercontrol. A Banana Clip-they are the perfect tool to use when tryingto get a mohawk effect. They are pretty hard to come by these days though.

Advice for others: My advice to someone who is scared to embrace their naturalhair is simply this: If you don't like it, you can always go back to what youhad before. You only live life once. Why not try something new, you might loveit! Some people may not be as bold as I was and start from scratch bycutting all of their hair off but you can always wear braids or rock sew-insuntil you achieve your desired length. After all, it is just hair. It'll growback!