I tried out some great products by Sheilo!  One of myfavorite products of there's is their SmoothingComplexion Scrub.  It feels really good as I  applied it to myface and helped me to feel refreshed. Some of the other products that mydaughters and I tried are the Vibrancy Conditioner, Moisturizer Shampoo,Leave In Protectant & the Complexion Moisturizer.
Here is more information about their company - 
"Shielo Hair Technology & Care wascreated in New York City in 2001" [based on a] need identified among topsalons in New York City and their clientele for styles, while including theeffort to enhance and fortify hair care products protecting elements." Shielo's products are animal cruelty free, Vegan ad Natural Based. 
"Our products contain the highest quality ingredientsfrom nature, combined with advances in haircare research to ensure desiredperformance and ultimate results. As an organization, we have committed todeveloping naturally-based formulas infused with organic botanicals harvestedfrom plants grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or chemicals."