I got a really interesting question this past Saturday at my daughters Soccer game. I try not to dwell on the negative, when it comes to creating content for this blog. But the comment keeps nagging at me. The best way to get something out of your system is to talk about it. It was not a extremely major incident, but none the less, it stood out to me as odd.
So I am sitting down with my fellow soccer moms, and a lady (mother of a family friend) that I have not seen for a while recognized me before I saw her. So she starts to say hey... I almost didn't recognize you. Then she makes her hands go up and down as she looks at my hair and says "You added to it!"
I at first I froze... lol. I didn't quite understand what the hell she was talking about. But then I realized that she somehow thought that my hair was artifice and that I could just add to it to make it longer. I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, and assume that she did not mean any harm. Ignorance often comes from just not being educated on certain matters. So I just turned to her and politely said "It's growing." And she then said "Ohhh....." as if that was an odd theory; and then went on her way... lol. So it was not a huge thing. I just needed to get it out of my system. Thank you for reading!
What do you think?
BronzeGoddess on YouTube, has tons of great videos, she created, to show loc styles in various cute looks. I originally saw one of her videos on Keep It Kinky, where she showed how to do a cute Loc Bun. Below are a few of her videos, and she also has a lot more on her Youtube page. *(FYI: She also has some makeup tutorials on youtube as well).
I just became the member of the website YMIB. I have been eyeing this site for quite a while, admiring the beauty of it all. Really just looking forward to being able to sit down and read some of their great articles. I click on to the site yesterday, and saw one of my favorite natural hair inspirations, Franchesca, featured on the site -
So that got me interested in reading the other stories and blog post on the site. And I love it. So now I am a member. To check out my YMIB page, go to Naturally Beautiful Hair. If you are member, click to add me as a fiend.Beautiful photo of Dana Moore. This photo is featured on Pangaea's Garden
*Please note that the Pangaea's Garden contains artistic photographs of woman in slight nudity.
Last week, I posted a challenge for a Naturally Beautiful Hair Giveaway. The 2 prizes for this giveaway are 2 separate 3-piece sets of Peruvian Earrings. The challenge was for the readers to submit links to photo's of international beauty, from around the world. There where 6 photo's that were submitted, each beautiful because of the cultural richness. The two winners are:
"love it. I truly believe it takes confidence for someone to be their true self in this world; to be what we were created to be, flaws and all. It shows that you love yourself in a very pure way.."
"Good Evening Karen,
I have been a longtime lurker at your blog as well as being loc'd for 3 1/2 years. I have noticed that front edges, especially the sides are starting to grow very thin and I am afraid traction alopecia may force me to cut my locs. I have sworn that locs would be my permanent hairstyle--but I am afriad the thinning around the edges
may become permanent and then I will be bald. I don't see the same problems
with other loc wearers who have long locs such as yourself and celebrities such
as Nerissa Irving. Do you have any suggestions for encouraging growth or perhaps
shaving the area?Thanks,
Signed Anonymous"
So I always find it very odd when someone has hatred or racism against other cultures, but that they still fill the need to read our blogs. I just don't get it. If you don't like dreadlocks and have issues with our culture: meaning any one with natural hair - why waste your time visiting our sites, that are about this subject. I respect all opinions when they are constructive, useful and positive. There is no place for hate-filled messages on this blog. If that is where you heart is, please click next to go to another blog.
Much love to all of my positive, intelligent blogger friends and faithful readers.
Yesterday, I posted about some cute handmade Jewelry that I purchased from an online site called Peruvian Earrings. To see the post, click here. I went a little crazy and brought 16 pairs of earrings from the site. Which was way more than I needed. So I would love to share some of the pieces with two readers.
Here is package #1:
Here is package #2:

Afrobella has a few words to say regarding this episode of the Tyra show:
"Where were the women with kinky, coily, natural hair textures? Why not feature a woman with a TWA? Why not expose her hair as it truly is — unaltered texture and all? Maybe, despite the hype, Tyra wasn’t yet ready. And that I can almost respect that.Going natural shouldn’t be a fad — it takes dedication, commitment, and courage. Maybe this was a baby step for Tyra. I’m gonna hold out hope that someday she’ll do an episode that truly displays a range of hair textures and explores the deep feelings associated with natural hair. If not now, then hey — there’s always the premiere of season six."
Also, as shown on the blog Divine Life Collection, Tyra is getting ready to start a new online magazine. Click here: tyrabanks.com to check it out.